What is a Belter?

Chorlton Belters Veloclub
Club Rules

Cycling is about having fun, keeping fit, and getting away from the wife and kids for some precious and much-needed ‘me time’. But being a member of the prestigious Chorlton Belters Veloclub carries a certain level of responsibility. In order to maintain the standards expected, all Belters should pay strict attention to the following rules*:

1.     To quote a famous Texan cyclist, “It’s not about the bike”. For Belters, it is all about the Donkey. We ride to spot as many Donkeys as possible and do not hold any embarrassment for our love of these lovely ickle creatures.
2.     All rides are to be rated using the official ‘Donkey Co-efficient System’. The DCS works as follows: the number of Donkeys spotted on the ride shall be divided by the inverse of the total ride mileage. For example, one Donkey spotted on a 10-mile ride would give a DCS score of -0.1 (1 divided by -10 = -0.1). Similarly 3 Donkeys spotted on a 50-mile ride would score a DCS of -0.06. A positive DCS can be achieved where the number of Donkeys spotted is greater that the mileage ridden: 10 Donkeys spotted on an 8-mile ride would score +1.25 (10 divided by 8).
3.     Since the official Belters jerseys were issued, several members have commented on an apparent drought of Donkey spottings. There is a fear that the jerseys may be jinxed (either that or Donkeys relocate to the seaside during the summer months and have therefore been missing from the fields and paddocks of Cheshire, Shropshire and neighbouring counties). As such, a sub-section of the club committee has deemed it necessary to appoint a Donkey substitute. In extreme cases, club members may use Shetland ponies as ‘Donkey Methadone’. Whilst Shetlands may be used for temporary relief from the effects of going ‘Cold-Donkey’, Shetlands can not be used for the purpose of scoring a ride as outlined in rule 2 above.
4.     The miniature Donkeys at the Ice Cream Farm, Tattenhall, are worth half a point each only.
5.     A ‘known’ Donkey is a good Donkey, but a previously unspotted Donkey is nirvana.
6.     See Rule #5 at www.velominati.com
7.     No Belter shall ever become an accomplished climber. We strive to climb like [dande]lions.
8.     No Belter shall ever shave his/her legs – this is in direct contradiction to ‘Rule #33’.**
9.     All passing cyclists, pedestrians, horse-riders and other roadside peasants should be greeted with a hearty “Hello”. Don’t be disheartened if you fail to get a response – not everyone is as cheery as a Belter and they may lack the wherewithal and/or confidence to reciprocate your greeting.
10.  Like God, the word Donkey shall always be written with an upper case ‘D’. (OK, God begins with a G but you know what I mean.) These majestic animals are worthy of our total respect and anyone using a lower case ‘d’ or disrespecting the honour of the species in any other way shall receive an eternal damnation of punctures.
11.  Alpacas are the anti-Donkey. They may look similar from a distance, but they are “Fool’s Donkeys”. Do not be drawn into their evil world of strange wool, long necks and weird little faces. And never, ever look one in the eyes…
12.  Cake, pies, chips and curry are all isotonic. Dieticians, physicians, professional athletes and doctors may try to tell you otherwise, but they are not to be believed.
13.  A rider does not have to live on ‘The Lane’ to be a Belter, but must ride on ‘The Lane’ at least once in the year to validate his/her membership of the Veloclub for that calendar year.
14.   Fat is the new thin.

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