Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Day 5 – Cheshire to Cumbria – 95 miles.

A tough day starting from home today! No motivational shouts this morning just ‘get on your bike and ride’. Fatigue is definitely with us, more to do with the two previous days of rain which have really sapped the energy and positivity levels. I was shocked by how many local inclines that wouldn’t normally draw an effort were making me sit in and push hard.

We were joined by a good friend of mine, Andy Morley (a rival Winsford Wheeler), today and appreciated the fresh legs and optimistic outlook on the day ahead. Sadly I was soon dropped off the back but not before asking the boys to give Andy a testing day. Quite happy to adopt a tourists pace, I pootled along merrily forgetting the shackles of cadence, speed and heart rate and instead setting a pace that felt right. I guess this is a close to a bra burning experience as I will get, and enjoyed every minute of it. That is until I reached Northwich and received a call asking where I was which highlighted I gone 10 miles off course!! 

The realisation (including a loud scream worrying local passersby) of a long, sad and tiring day hit home hard and if it were not for the fantastic support we’ve all received in messages of support and generous donations I might have plotted a course for home. Instead I pushed on at a deflated snail’s pace only catching up with Belters LeJog team at 80 miles. As a result there are no photos yet of the day, but I will try to see what the others got along the way and add these later.

I have to drop a well earned plug because a last minute sports massage at ProPhysio in Chester (www.prophysiouk.co.uk) really helped the tired legs. At my low point I was really appreciative of the team there fitting me in late on Monday evening and it made a huge physical and mental difference. I was also delighted to pick up more sponsorship at the same time! 

It was a funny and mixed route today. A early ride through Delamere forest, followed by industrious Warrington, Manchester, Bolton & Blackburn and all that’s in between. If I could have peddled fasted I would! but it did make for some interesting people watching. This was then topped off with a breath taking route over the West Pennine moors and the jaw dropping Ribble Valley before finishing at Kirby Lonsdale and some steady isotonic ales to assist with pain relief. Sadly with such visual candy comes vertical challenge as the elevation chart shows.

 The positive is excluding the final days short 50 mile time trial, we are now half way. So it’s counting down each morning from here on in which has to help the fatigue situation.

(A small apology to the grammatical OCD’s out there. I’ve just looked over a few of the older posts and realised it’s no modern classic, but being very knackered when righting this means it’s all you are getting. I hope you can over look these imperfections and enjoy in our pain)

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